
Statuten /Articles of association

Handbuch der 420er Vereinigung

Entschädigungsreglement internationale Meisterschaften für Junioren EM, EM, WM sowie für die vorbereitenden Trainings

by Nik Burkhard (to use it, download the file and save a copy)


17.02.2019 Updated selections rules 2019

17.02.2019 Inscription Form 2019

03.11.2018 Presentation and protocol Extraordinary General Assembly

11.05.2018 Presentation and protocol General Assembly

04.04.2018 Updated selections rules 2018

24.11.2017 Presentation and protocol Extraordinary General Assembly

06.05.2017 Presentation and protocol General Assembly

14.10.2016 Presentation and protocol extraordinary General Assembly

07.05.2016 Updated selection rules 2016

07.05.2016 Presentation General Assembly.

16.10.2015 Presentation extraordinary General Assembly.