23 Oktober 2021

Trim Calculator

Dear Sailors,

One of our experienced 420 Class Members, Nik Burkhard, has created a "Trim Calculator" on excel. It is very simple to use, one must simply download the file. Make sure to fine-tune your boat for your next regatta!

Find it in the tab downloads.

(The trims are well tailored, and based on experience and knowledge, however, you must still experiment to find your own perfect trim)

16 August 2021

CSP Biel

Make sure to inscribe yourselves for the CSP in Biel!

It will take place the 28th and 29th of August.

You can find all details on manage to sail.

14 Mai 2021

Sommersegelwoche Thunersee

Make sure to check out the „Sommersegelwoche“ for 420 Beginners. 

It will take place 9. - 13. of August at the Thunersee Yacht Club.  

Announcement and inscription

26 März 2021

Selection inscription 2021

Dear Sailors,

Please find the selection inscription form for 2021 under the tab selection.

The deadline for the inscription this year is the 30th of April

06 Februar 2021

Join our WhatsApp Group

Dear 420 Sailors,

Please join our WhatsApp group for frequent updates on regattas and trainings.

We especially recommend this chat to new-comers who would like to take part in events without a team or without a coach.

Join by using this link, or by scanning the QR code.